XRSPACE Developer Console

XR Project Setting

Android Manifest Settings

If you have your own AndroidManifest, plese set the exported value and add meta-data that we need in AndroidManifest.xml.

Be sure that the AndroidManifest has informaion below. It will add by the script AndroidManifestModifier.

  • android:exported=”false”

  • <meta-data android:name=”com.XRSpace.VR” android:value=”true”/>

  • <meta-data android:name=”SDK-Version” android:value=”1.0.0” android:minSdkVersion=”…” android:targetSdkVersion=”…”/>

  • <meta-data android:name=”SDK-VersionCode” android:value=”1000000”/>



Build System should choose Gradle, or user need to manually set the parameter and add <meta-data>.


Precautions for use

  • Can’t use Layers:30

    Layer 30 is used internally by the XR System. To prevent clashes, do not use this layer.
