XRSPACE Developer Console

Component - XRManager


Initialize VR environment with stereo rendering and show the capabilities of SDK settings.

  • Version: SDK Version.

  • DebugInfo: Show system information in runtime.

  • TrackPosition: Determine Headset 3 or 6 Dof mode.

  • EyeAntiAliasing: Anti-aliasing level. (The value will override Unity’s Anti Aliasing setting)

    • Disable: The worst anti-aliasing effect.

    • MSAA_2x: System recommended effect.

    • MSAA_4x: The best anti-aliasing effect.

  • CPUPerfLevel: Adjust the maximum performance of the CPU.

    • Minimum: Lowest CPU performance.

    • Medium: System recommended performance.

    • Maximum: Highest CPU performance.

  • GPUPerfLevel: Adjust the maximum performance of the GPU.

    • Minimum: Lowest GPU performance.

    • Medium: System recommended performance.

    • Maximum: Highest GPU performance.

  • Foveation: Turn on the foveation features, it will reduce GPU workload.

    • None: Close foveation.

    • Low: Lowest foveation performance, lower memory usage.

    • Medium: Medium foveation performance, medium memory usage.

    • High: Highest foveation performance, higher memory usage.

In Camera Rig, it has three gameObjects which are fixed on inspector and needn’t to modify.

  • Head: Objects actually manipulated by the system.

  • LeftCamera: The rendering image of the left eye.

  • RightCamera: The rendering image of the right eye.